How to Use Smartphone Cameras as Replacement of Laptop Webcam


Today everything’s done digitally, for lecture classes or work meetings; mostly we use laptops, but laptops webcam are inadequate.

Maybe in terms of performance, the laptop that you use as much speed for access Microsoft Office or some other software.

But for video conferencing, it just feels, "why isn't the laptop camera good?" Of course, you want to present yourself best in digital meetings.

So you want to upgrade your laptop; it's quite wasteful if you only want a good video quality, for that buy an additional webcam? It is possible, but certainly not practical, investing in one device with one single function. Well, don’t worry today in this article we are going to tell you some useful tips for using your Smartphone camera instead of a webcam.

It’s Right, instead of replacing a laptop or buying an additional webcam, you can use your existing Smartphone camera as a webcam, it's quality that is certainly much better. This method is almost free and is compatible with Android, iOS, Windows PC and Mac devices.

Install Applications on Smartphone & PC First

How to pair the two devices is very easy, you only need to install the application on each device, you want to connect, connect the two devices via the same network, and it's all done. There are two alternative applications to choose from Droid Cam and Iriun.

Here is the download material for each application, both on the Smartphone and a client application that you must install on your PC:

DroidCam: Android, iOS, Windows (client), Linux (client)
Iriun: Android, iOS, Windows (client), Mac (client), Ubuntu (client)

After installing the application both on the Smartphone and computer, open the applications. Make sure the Smartphone and computer are connected to the same network.

For Iriun, the two devices will be connected automatically, it’s easier to use. Once connected, there are options to change the camera and change the video resolution from 480p to 2160p (if the Smartphone’s camera supports higher resolution).

And DroidCam, users need to put IP codes and ports on the computer, as displayed on smartphones and Click start, the camera can be used immediately.

DroidCam provides more complex settings, including the option to provide a limit of fps video to save more bandwidth, as well as the option to use a microphone on the Smartphone.

Once connected, minimize, or run the client application behind on the computer. After that, you just need to set up the camera to use it in each video conference application. In the Zoom application, for example, you only need to access the Settings - Video menu, then change the camera used to DroidCam or Iriun.

For camera placement you just need to put the Smartphone camera on the right and suitable position. For that you can use a mini tripod or gorilla pod, just placed behind the monitor or laptop, to fit like a built-in webcam.

Now you can use your Smartphone camera as a webcam for virtual classes and video conferencing. Best of luck!

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