Why Islam Lives On? Islamic Concept of Life


Have you ever wondered why so many people continue to choose Islam as their religion, in spite of what seems to be a united effort by the entire world media to bring it to its knees? If you answered yes, you are not alone.

With its simple message and profound teachings, for over 1,400 years, the religion Islam has successfully withstood the test of time.

The U.S. media giants were hard at work trying to paint a clear--albeit broad--a picture of the "enemy" It seemed, at times, the need to find a responsible party to take the blame for the horrific events eclipsed our duty to ensure the safety of our own Muslim citizens here at home.

Indeed many Muslims in the United States found themselves the victims of some horrible crimes, It was now clear to Muslims the world over, that the overwhelmingly negative media coverage would soon give rise to widespread ignorance of, hostility towards, and utter contempt for, Islam and its 1.8 billion devout followers.

With misinformation spreading like wildfire and worldwide disdain abounding for anything even remotely associated with Arabs and the Middle East, many Muslims simply lost hope and found it too daunting a task to attempt to dispel the lies promulgated about their faith and themselves.

The enemies of Islam were now certain the latest events coupled with the storm of anti-Islamic sentiment spreading fast around the globe would mean an end to Islam's reign, influence, and very survival as one of the world's great religions.

Yet just as fast as Muslims' hopes were fleeting, a phenomenon that seemed to flow against all odds and reason was beginning to take shape.

Look into past, In the month following September 2001, many states reported the Quran (Islam's Holy Scripture) as being the number one best-selling book for several consecutive months.

No doubt, interest was at its peak as millions of Americans hurried to fill a void of information concerning a religion that seemed so alien to many Book retailers throughout America raced to keep up with unprecedented demand while Islamic institutions worked feverishly to supply the droves of citizens (people from all walks of life) pouring-in through their doors, with accurate information explaining the tenets of Islam.

Mosques throughout North America and Europe reported numbers of recent converts in the tens of thousands, While it was not unheard of to find so many converting to Islam--given that Islam was already the fastest-growing religion in America and the world, for that matter--it was quite astonishing to see such drastic rates given the current circumstances.

To the average Muslim, such an extraordinary upshot can only be looked upon as further proof of the validity of their faith, while some in academia and those outside the religion may try to rationalize and explain what has taken place; no one can deny that nothing short of a modern-day miracle has taken place.

Rather then disappearing into the ash-heap of history's fallen empires, Islam not only weathered the storm to the defiance of commonsense and reason, but it continues to spread its compelling message and teachings further and with greater resonance than ever before.

But providence and divine intervention aside, quite possibly the answer to "Why Islam Lives On" is a lot simpler than we think, maybe what we're looking for is a lot closer than once thought, Perhaps the answer lies within ourselves.

With sincere introspection, most of us would discover that the message of Islam appeals to the very essence of our being Muslims have long regarded their faith as a revelation of truth, but there is another, more profound element that usually goes ignored; that Islam reveals the truth about ourselves.

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