get rid of dandruff permanently with garlic

get rid of dandruff permanently with garlic

Garlic recipe to get rid of bad dandruff permanently, get nourishment for hair!

Those who have a lot of dandruff on the head can see how to get rid of dandruff with garlic.

White scales on the head can cause itching and irritation. This is a common problem. That’s what can come from time to time. This can be cured with proper care. But if left untreated it can cause hair loss.

Anti-dandruff shampoos, however, can only provide a temporary solution at that time. Natural remedies to stop dandruff completely and prevent dandruff from coming back. Garlic is a good choice to get rid of dandruff. Let's see how to use it.

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Garlic is a traditional medicine used to treat body and skin problems. It has antifungal, antioxidant, and anti-inflammatory properties. These are used to repel dandruff and fungi.

But for whatever reason, garlic should not be used directly on the scalp. We are going to look at how to use garlic for people with a dandruff problem.

Garlic Mask With Olive Oil

Garlic Mask With Olive Oil


Garlic oil - 2 tbsp

Olive oil - 5 tbsp

Combine the two in a wide bowl and mix well. Touch it with your fingers and massage it lightly in a circular motion. Massage into the hair follicles, especially the hair follicles.

After 20 minutes, wash your hair with a mild shampoo. Doing this twice a week will get rid of dandruff.

Garlic Mask With Coconut Oil

Garlic Mask With Coconut Oil


Garlic oil - 2 tbsp

Coconut oil - 4 tbsp

Mix both garlic oil and coconut oil well. Heat it lightly in a double boiling mode. Then massage the scalp well in a circular motion. Then shampoo your hair for 20 minutes.

Garlic Mask With Curd

Garlic Mask With Curd


Garlic paste - 2 tbsp

Curd -5 tbsp

Water - as needed

In a wide bowl mix, the yogurt and garlic paste well. Add a little young water and stir. Massage into the scalp with coconut oil before applying it on the scalp.

Apply yogurt and garlic paste on the scalp. Rinse hair after 20 minutes. Garlic paste is irritating but adding yogurt does not affect the scalp.

Garlic Mask With Cactus Gel

Garlic Mask With Cactus Gel


Garlic juice - 2 tbsp

Cactus gel - 4 tbsp

In a wide bowl add the cactus gel with the garlic juice. Apply this mixture well on the scalp. The hair follicles should look fine. Then wear a shower cap on your head and leave for 30 minutes.

Now wash your hair with a mild shampoo. This mask removes dandruff and keeps the hair shiny.

Garlic Mask With Honey

Garlic Mask With Honey


Garlic oil - 2 tbsp

Honey - 1 tbsp

Lemon juice - 2 tbsp

Coconut oil- 4 tbsp

In a wide bowl add the garlic oil, honey, and lemon juice and mix well. Apply coconut oil on the scalp first and massage. Apply this garlic paste on the scalp and put on a pack, wear a shower cap, and keep for 20 minutes.

Then rinse with a mild shampoo. All of the above garlic hair mask types can get rid of dandruff permanently. This garlic oil can be made at home.

How to Prepare garlic oil

How to Prepare garlic oil

Coconut oil - 500 ml

Garlic tooth - 8

Crush the garlic and rub in coconut oil or olive oil and soak overnight. Heat the oil in the morning and let it cool down. That's it prepare garlic oil.

Garlic has anti-microbial properties so it is against microbial infections. Malassezia removes fungal dandruff. Garlic has anti-inflammatory properties for dandruff caused by inflammation called seborrheic dermatitis.

Garlic can help you to get rid of dandruff caused by fungal infections on the scalp. Preventing the recurrence of dandruff. Strengthening the hair follicles provides blood flow to fight dandruff.

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