How To Get Rid Of Acne Naturally


Aloe Vera is a medicinal plant for a variety of diseases due to its antibacterial and antifungal properties and acne is one of those. It acts as an anti-inflammatory drug and natural moisturizer to the skin which is essential to avoid acne because over-dryness also stimulates the sebaceous gland activity. The best way is to manage fresh aloe Vera and applying 2-3 times per day. However, aloe Vera gel can be used as an alternative.

Hormonal acne can be controlled by some adaptogenic herbs like Siberian Ginseng which balances the hormonal irregularities in the body. This plant has been used to resolve the hormonal disorders which are responsible for acne.

Oatmeal is a very good skin cleansing agent, removes the skin impurities and oil that are contributing factors to acne. It can be used as a facial mask by applying the oatmeal on the face for ten minutes followed by rinsing with water. After that, apply Rose-water which acts as a natural toner.

Garlic contains the compound allicin which is an antifungal/antibacterial agent. Moreover, garlic also has many antioxidants that give the skin a fresh and younger look by stopping the production of free radicals. This is why it can be used for acne treatment topically as well as orally. The facial remedy is simply to cut the garlic clove and gently rub it on the affected area.

Tea tree oil is extracted from a tree Melaleuca alternifoliais is very effective to treat acne. It has antibacterial properties due to the presence of some secondary compounds like terpenes.

The application of Apple Cider Vinegar on the skin balances the pH of the skin and reduces the oil by absorbing it. Dilute the Apple Vinegar according to the sensitivity of your skin and apply it with cotton balls. Rinse the face after ten minutes when it dries up. If this does not suit your skin, lemon juice can be used as an alternative.


Use plenty of water that cleanses your body from impurities, reduces clogging in the pores, and keeps the skin fresh.

Improve your diet by adding more fresh fruits and vegetables especially rich in vitamin E and zinc. Vitamin E is an antioxidant and zinc strengthens the body’s immune system and skin repair. A healthy and balanced diet also increases overall skin freshness and radiant look.

Regular exercise especially yoga is helpful to improve skin health and to cure acne by increasing blood circulation through which the body will get more oxygen. Vigorous exercise makes you sweat due to which toxins are flushed out of the body. Exercise also reduces stress which is an acne contributing factor. During the exercise, neurochemical endorphins release into the body that turns the mood happy. Moreover, it also helps to protect the body from infectious microbes by boosting the lymphatic and immune systems, thus helping to protect from acne.

Proper and regular skin cleansing is very essential to avoid acne. Choice of the right cleanser is very important. Natural cleansers are the best choice but if you do not have enough time, make sure to buy the one which suits your skin. The face should be washed twice a day, but avoid too much washing. It removes the natural skin oil, thus activating the sebaceous glands to produce more oil.

Prefer to shower daily after your workouts. Before the bath, apply the mixture of fresh tomatoes, honey, and rose water to your face for twenty minutes. At night, cleans the face by applying glycerine, lemon juice, and rose water.

Fresh air and sunlight also help to cure acne but beware of applying sunscreens. Sunlight helps to get rid of acne acting as an antiseptic especially when it is in the full state between 11 am-2 pm.


Touching the affected area. Never touch your face with your hands unnecessarily

The use of heavy makeup, it’s better to avoid completely as it blocks the skin pores.

Lessen the use of glycemic diets.

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