how to get rid of chapped lips in summer - how to get rid of dry lips at home


Chapped Lips A simple lip remedy can make your lips pop, An outbreak can occur at all times throughout the year

Cracked and dry lips may also occur during the rise in temperature like during cold seasons

While cold weather is responsible for dry lips in winter, it is the sun that causes damage and dryness in summer. Swimming all day to reduce the dryness of the sun, being in the water can cause chapped lips. In summer, hydration is essential not only for the skin but also for the lips.

Dry lips

how to get rid of dry lips at home

Dry lips without hydration can have a bad effect. Maintenance is not the only reason for this. From dehydration to vitamin deficiency, many health problems can cause chapped lips. By hydrating the lips, dryness can be easily alleviated.

It can come at any time of the year. Cold or dry air in this dry condition can dry out your lips causing them to become cracked or flaky. Cold, hot summers and maintenance with harsh materials can cause this.
Otherwise dry lips can cause pain. If left untreated, these can cause bleeding in the lips. Let's see what are the proven home remedies for chapped lips.

Coconut oil for chapped lips

Coconut oil for chapped lips

The lip area may be more prone to dysfunction than other areas of the skin. It is noted that they are more sensitive to elements like wind, heat, and cold than the skin on other parts of the body.

Coconut oil can be said to be an emollient. It not only moisturizes the skin but also improves its barrier function according to a recent study.

Coconut oil has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. Applying it to the affected area throughout the day will reduce the breakouts. Let the oil be clean.

Aloe vera for chapped lips

Aloe vera for chapped lips

Aloe vera has amazing benefits. Important in physical health and beauty. Aloe Vera is said to be a home remedy for sunburn.

It's anti-inflammatory properties and soothing effect make it an excellent choice for treating chapped lips.

Take aloe vera gel form (also available in stores) and store it in bulk and apply the required amount of gel with your fingers. The enzymes in it have mild exfoliating properties. Aloe vera can be used twice or thrice a day.

Honey to get rid of chapped lips

Honey to get rid of chapped lips

There is reliable evidence in studies of honey's antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. It has been used for skin care for centuries.

Honey keeps your lips moisturized. Honey helps protect against chapped lips and infection. Honey acts as an excellent natural exfoliator. Removes dry dead skin from lips.

Rub the honey on your fingers and apply it throughout the day.

Although honey is generally safe, people with allergies should be cautious when using it on the lips.

Petroleum jelly for chapped lips

Petroleum jelly for chapped lips

Petroleum jelly can be used throughout the day, says the American Academy of Dermatology. Moisturizes dry chapped lips daily before going to bed.

Rather than providing moisture, it protects the lips from drying out. Petroleum jelly is great for chapped lips.

These are easily available in pharmacies. They are free from side effects and can be used by everyone. However, if some people have allergies or swelling while using it, it should be avoided if swelling occurs.

Avocado to get rid of chapped lips

Avocado to get rid of chapped lips

Avocado lip balms are emollients. It is well absorbed by the lips. It contains oleic and linoleic acids which are beneficial for the skin. Contains many fatty acids and antioxidants.

Avocado butter is available in stores and can be used. Or prepare and use at home. Just mash the avocado and apply it on your lips.

What can be done to prevent chapped lips?

What can be done to prevent chapped lips?

  • Do not lick your lips with your tongue to keep your lips moisturized.
  • Drink plenty of water to keep the rest of the body hydrated.
  • Use a humidifier to prevent humidity in the air.
Choose products that do not contain fragrances or alcohol when applying lip balm. Apply a moisturizing lip cream with sunscreen before going outside.

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