The Invisible Man Movie Review


Movie reviews are one of the most popular art that is still popular today. I can't imagine that the world without movies, it's one of the things we grow up with. They help us grow as a person. Made happy, angry, made to cry, those are just some of the feelings we feel every time we watch a movie. Usually, we hear "They're great", every day new movies are released at the box office.

The Invisible Man

Movie Outline:

This film is about a woman named Cecilia Kass who tries to escape an abusive relationship with a rich scientist. His plan was successful with the help of his brother and friend. As the days passed, Cecilia received news that her ex-boyfriend had committed suicide. But Cecilia doesn't believe the news when a series of hair-raising events begin.

Movie Review:

When I heard about this movie, I was immediately horrified perhaps by the story it contained. As a horror film, it is one of the scariest because its story takes place in real life. Its main antagonist is a person who has created a suit that can make a person invisible, just like the title of this movie. It's even more scary because, in today's time, it's not far from making this technology. It is also not far from the events in this movie that many people are now in an abusive relationships.

And since today is Women's Empowerment Month, this movie gives a message to speak up and stop the relationship like in the movie and stand up for yourself. I will never forget the words " He's here, but you can't see him, only I can see him "My heart was touched when I thought of the mentally impaired people who no one believes in and who are neglected in our society.

There were moments when I was looking forward to the scary scenes but it never came so it added to the horror factor. This movie would have been perfect if the other gruesome scenes weren't cliché and the story wasn't so predictable.

Note: This movie is not for the faint of heart.

The Invisible Man Movie Review

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